mcap.stream_reader module

class mcap.stream_reader.StreamReader(input: str | BytesIO | RawIOBase | BufferedReader | IO[bytes], skip_magic: bool = False, emit_chunks: bool = False, validate_crcs: bool = False, record_size_limit: int | None = 4294967296)[source]

Bases: object

Reads MCAP data sequentially from an input stream.

  • input – a file-like object for reading the source data from.

  • skip_magic – if True, will not expect MCAP magic at start or end of stream.

  • emit_chunks – if True, will return Chunk records directly and do not parse out the records inside.

  • validate_crcs – if True, will validate chunk and data section CRC values.

  • record_size_limit – An upper bound to the size of MCAP records that this reader will attempt to load in bytes, defaulting to 4 GiB. If this reader encounters a record with a greater length, it will throw an RecordLengthLimitExceeded error. Setting to None removes the limit, but can allow corrupted MCAP files to trigger a MemoryError exception.

property records: Iterator[McapRecord]

Returns records encountered in the MCAP in order.