- struct Attachment - An Attachment is an arbitrary file embedded in an MCAP file, in...
- struct AttachmentIndex - Attachment Index records are found in the Summary section, prov...
- class BufferReader - A "null" compressed reader that directly passes through uncompr...
- class BufferWriter - An in-memory IChunkWriter implementation backed by a growable b...
- struct Channel - Describes a Channel that messages are written to. A Channel rep...
- struct Chunk - An collection of Schemas, Channels, and Messages that supports ...
- struct ChunkIndex - Chunk Index records are found in the Summary section, providing...
- struct DataEnd - The final record in the Data section, signaling the end of Data...
- struct Extent
- class FileReader - IReadable implementation wrapping a FILE* pointer created by fo...
- class FileStreamReader - IReadable implementation wrapping a std::ifstream input file st...
- class FileWriter - Implements the IWritable interface used by McapWriter by wrappi...
- struct Footer - The final record in an MCAP file (before the trailing magic byt...
- struct Header - Appears at the beginning of every MCAP file (after the magic by...
- class IChunkWriter - An abstract interface for writing Chunk data. Chunk data is buf...
- class ICompressedReader - An abstract interface for compressed readers.
- struct IReadable - An abstract interface for reading MCAP data.
- class IWritable - An abstract interface for writing MCAP data.
- struct IndexedMessageReader - Uses message indices to read messages out of an MCAP in log tim...
- struct IndexedMessageReader::ChunkSlot
- class Iterator::Impl
- class LZ4Reader - ICompressedReader implementation that decompresses LZ4 (https:/...
- class LZ4Writer - An in-memory IChunkWriter implementation that holds data in a t...
- struct LinearMessageView - An iterable view of Messages in an MCAP file.
- struct LinearMessageView::Iterator
- class McapReader - Provides a read interface to an MCAP file.
- class McapWriter - Provides a write interface to an MCAP file.
- struct McapWriterOptions - Configuration options for McapWriter.
- struct Message - A single Message published to a Channel.
- struct MessageIndex - A list of timestamps to byte offsets for a single Channel. This...
- struct MessageView - Returned when iterating over Messages in a file, MessageView co...
- struct Metadata - Holds a named map of key/value strings containing arbitrary use...
- struct MetadataIndex - Metadata Index records are found in the Summary section, provid...
- struct ReadMessageOptions - Options for reading messages out of an MCAP file.
- struct Record - A generic Type-Length-Value record using a uint8 type and uint6...
- struct RecordOffset
- struct RecordReader - A low-level interface for parsing MCAP-style TLV records from a...
- struct Schema - Describes a schema used for message encoding and decoding and/o...
- struct Statistics - The Statistics record is found in the Summary section, providin...
- struct Status - Wraps a status code and string message carrying additional cont...
- class StreamWriter - Implements the IWritable interface used by McapWriter by wrappi...
- struct SummaryOffset - Summary Offset records are found in the Summary Offset section....
- struct TypedChunkReader
- struct TypedRecordReader - A mid-level interface for parsing and validating MCAP records f...
- class ZStdReader - ICompressedReader implementation that decompresses Zstandard (h...
- class ZStdWriter - An in-memory IChunkWriter implementation that holds data in a t...