The MCAP command line tool is useful for working with MCAP files.
Release binaries
Download binaries for your platform from the latest GitHub release.
Then, mark it executable:
$ chmod +x mcap
If required, move the binary onto your path.
To install using Homebrew on macOS or Linux, run:
$ brew install mcap
From Source
Installing via go install
is not supported. To build from source you must clone the repository.
- Clone the mcap repository.
$ cd go/cli/mcap
$ make build
- The binary will be built into the a newly created
Run mcap --help
for detailed usage information.
$ mcap --help
mcap [command]
Available Commands:
add Add records to an existing MCAP file
cat Cat the messages in an MCAP file to stdout
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
compress Create a compressed copy of an MCAP file
convert Convert a bag file to an MCAP file
decompress Create an uncompressed copy of an MCAP file
doctor Check an MCAP file structure
filter Copy some filtered MCAP data to a new file
get Get a record from an MCAP file
help Help about any command
info Report statistics about an MCAP file
list List records of an MCAP file
merge Merge a selection of MCAP files by record timestamp
recover Recover data from a potentially corrupt MCAP file
version Output version information
--config string Config file (default is $HOME/.mcap.yaml)
-h, --help help for mcap
-v, --verbose Verbose output
Use "mcap [command] --help" for more information about a command.
ROS Bag to MCAP conversion
Convert a ROS 1 bag file to mcap:
$ mcap convert demo.bag demo.mcap
Convert a ROS 2 db3 file to mcap:
$ mcap convert demo.db3 demo.mcap
In ROS 2 releases prior to Iron, db3 files did not contain message definitions (schemas). When converting to MCAP, you should first source the same ROS 2 workspace that the original file was recorded with. If this is not available, you will need to specify a search directory for message definitions (e.g /opt/ros/humble
from the original system):
$ mcap convert demo.db3 demo.mcap --ament-prefix-path /path/to/humble
Alternatively, the ros2 bag convert
utility may be used to convert between db3 and mcap.
File summarization
Report summary statistics on an MCAP file:
$ mcap info demo.mcap
library: mcap go #(devel)
profile: ros1
messages: 1606
duration: 7.780758504s
start: 2017-03-21T19:26:20.103843113-07:00 (1490149580.103843113)
end: 2017-03-21T19:26:27.884601617-07:00 (1490149587.884601617)
zstd: [14/14 chunks] (50.73%)
(0) /diagnostics 52 msgs (6.68 Hz) : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray [ros1msg]
(1) /image_color/compressed 234 msgs (30.07 Hz) : sensor_msgs/CompressedImage [ros1msg]
(2) /tf 774 msgs (99.48 Hz) : tf2_msgs/TFMessage [ros1msg]
(3) /radar/points 156 msgs (20.05 Hz) : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 [ros1msg]
(4) /radar/range 156 msgs (20.05 Hz) : sensor_msgs/Range [ros1msg]
(5) /radar/tracks 156 msgs (20.05 Hz) : radar_driver/RadarTracks [ros1msg]
(6) /velodyne_points 78 msgs (10.02 Hz) : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 [ros1msg]
attachments: 0
Indexed reading
Echo messages for a specific topic to stdout as JSON:
$ mcap cat demo.mcap --topics /tf --json | head -n 10
Remote file support
All commands except convert
support reading from remote files stored in GCS:
$ mcap info gs://your-remote-bucket/demo.mcap
library: mcap go #(devel)
profile: ros1
messages: 1606
duration: 7.780758504s
start: 2017-03-21T19:26:20.103843113-07:00 (1490149580.103843113)
end: 2017-03-21T19:26:27.884601617-07:00 (1490149587.884601617)
zstd: [14/14 chunks] (50.73%)
(0) /diagnostics 52 msgs (6.68 Hz) : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray [ros1msg]
(1) /image_color/compressed 234 msgs (30.07 Hz) : sensor_msgs/CompressedImage [ros1msg]
(2) /tf 774 msgs (99.48 Hz) : tf2_msgs/TFMessage [ros1msg]
(3) /radar/points 156 msgs (20.05 Hz) : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 [ros1msg]
(4) /radar/range 156 msgs (20.05 Hz) : sensor_msgs/Range [ros1msg]
(5) /radar/tracks 156 msgs (20.05 Hz) : radar_driver/RadarTracks [ros1msg]
(6) /velodyne_points 78 msgs (10.02 Hz) : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 [ros1msg]
attachments: 0
Remote reads will use the index at the end of the file to minimize latency and data transfer.
File Diagnostics
List chunks in a file
The mcap list
command can be used with chunks or attachments:
$ mcap list chunks ~/data/mcap/demo.mcap
offset length start end compression compressed size uncompressed size compression ratio
43 4529455 1490149580103843113 1490149580608392239 zstd 4529402 9400437 0.481829
4531299 4751426 1490149580618484655 1490149581212757989 zstd 4751373 9621973 0.493804
9284910 4726518 1490149581222848447 1490149581811286531 zstd 4726465 9617327 0.491453
14013453 4734289 1490149581821378989 1490149582418243031 zstd 4734236 9624850 0.491876
18749879 4742989 1490149582428402906 1490149583010292990 zstd 4742936 9646234 0.491688
23494877 4712785 1490149583020377156 1490149583617657323 zstd 4712732 9619341 0.489923
28209799 4662983 1490149583627720990 1490149584217852199 zstd 4662930 9533042 0.489133
32874919 4643191 1490149584227924615 1490149584813214116 zstd 4643138 9499481 0.488778
37520119 4726655 1490149584823300282 1490149585411567366 zstd 4726602 9591399 0.492796
42248895 4748884 1490149585421596866 1490149586021460449 zstd 4748831 9621776 0.493550
46999820 4746828 1490149586031607908 1490149586617282658 zstd 4746775 9632302 0.492798
51748769 4759213 1490149586627453408 1490149587217501700 zstd 4759160 9634744 0.493958
56510103 4750731 1490149587227624742 1490149587814043200 zstd 4750678 9622778 0.493691
61262859 217330 1490149587824113700 1490149587884601617 zstd 217277 217255 1.000101